Public deliverables
This list details the deliverable documents foreseen for the project and provides the link to them when their dissemination is open to the public.
D6.1.- Public Website: Public website up and running to centralize BE-SAFE products
D2.1.- Guidelines to reduce BSH: Trustworthy guidelines to reduce BSHs published on MAGICapp website and BE-SAFE portal
D1.1.- Clinical pathways and healthcare system: Current key clinical pathways (or care trajectories) in relation to BSH reduction identified and described in the six participating European countries
D1.2.- Barriers and enablers to reduce BSHs: Report of the survey, presenting the barriers and enablers to discontinuing BSHs among patients, informal carers and health care professionals in the six European countries
D3.1.- Therapeutic protocol for BSH discontinuation
D3.2.- Educational materials for physicians and patients
Full set of educational materials for physicians and patient card that will be used in the trial, in the local language of each participating country.
D6.4.- Information material for the general public. Comprehensive set of information material related to overuse of BSH
D6.5.- BE-SAFE podcasts online: Collection of Podcasts files tackling key topics related BSH addressed health professionals and general public
D5.1.- Case study results and updated country-specific logical models: Description of the results of the mixed-method process evaluation performed in the six countries and presentation of the updated logical models for each country
D5.2.- Cross-country logical model: Cross-country BE-SAFE program logical model with data on differences and similarities between countries
D1.3.- PREM to reduce harmful medications: Description of the method for development, the results and of the final version of the PREM questionnaire, in the six languages
D2.3.- Updated trustworthy guideline with recommendations for clinical practice and for implementation strategies: Publication of updated trustworthy guideline with recommendations for clinical practice and for implementation strategies, based on BE-SAFE results.
D3.3.- Definitive version of the materials and procedures for patients and physicians: Definitive full set of educational materials for physicians and patient, adapted based on the results of WP4 and WP5.
D5.3.- Adapted clinical pathways: Description of clinical pathways (or care trajectories) in relation to BSH reduction in the six participating European countries, adapted based on results from the case study analyses
D6.6.- Knowledge translation plan: Public knowledge translation plan and strategy plan for sustainable implementation