Le potentiel des benzodiazépines en matière d'effets indésirables liés aux médicaments, tels que les chutes et fractures, les troubles cognitifs (…) et délires, a été bien décrit.
Vidéo en vedette
Qu’est-ce que BE-SAFE ? (Anglais)
Découvrez l'essence de notre projet dans cette brève et perspicace vidéo d'introduction. Rejoignez-nous dans notre voyage vers le développement des meilleures pratiques pour réduire l'utilisation de médicaments hypnotiques chez les personnes âgées en Europe!
Faits et opinions sur les BSH
Points forts
BE-SAFE consortium meeting 2024
BE-SAFE consortium successfully concludes 2024 Plenary Meeting in Barcelona, Spain
Open Webinar: Improving Diagnosis for Patient Safety
Join Us for an Open Webinar: Let's come together to discuss strategies for improving diagnosis and ensuring patient safety.
En savoir plus... Open Webinar: Improving Diagnosis for Patient Safety
Benzodiazepines Awareness Day
The BE-SAFE project has put together helpful resources to raise awareness about the risks of benzodiazepines. Click to learn more.
World Patient Safety Day
The BE-SAFE Project Commemorates World Days to Promote Healthy Sleep Practices with a gender perspective
Safer clinical practices
In a recent Lancet publication, European researchers unveil critical insights into insomnia treatment for older adults, shedding light on the vital role of deprescribing potentially harmful medications in older adults.
World Patient Safety Day
On September 17th, 2023, the world marks World Patient Safety Day under the theme "Engaging Patients for Patient Safety" with the slogan "Elevate the Voice of Patients!"
Benzodiazepine Awareness Day
On July 11, the world will unite to observe Benzodiazepine Awareness Day.
This event aims to raise awareness on the risk of the use of sleeping pills in older adults
World Sleep Day
March 17th is World Sleep Day! Do you want to know more about the importance of proper sleep? Take a look at our press release.
Introducing BE-SAFE international PAC members! What's the PAC? Find more about it in our press release!
Choosing Wisely Canada’s National Meeting
Choosing Wisely Canada’s National Meeting will return to an in-person event on May 11 and 12, 2023. Join us in Toronto at the Globe and Mail Centre for two days of engaging keynote speakers, workshops, and breakout sessions.
BE-SAFE kick-off meeting
The first BE-SAFE meeting took place in Brussels on September 14-15 2022.
During this meeting, project start and integration of the seven work packages have been discussed.
BE-SAFE project presented at Choosing Wisely annual meeting
BE-SAFE project presented at Choosing Wisely annual meeting in Lisbon: This year's Choosing Wisely International Roundtable, which aims to promote health decisions based on the best available scientific evidence, was held in Lisbon on September 21st and 22nd, 2022. During the meeting, our BE-SAFE project was introduced to the audience.
En savoir plus... BE-SAFE project presented at Choosing Wisely annual meeting