Patient Partnership Advisory Council
What’s a PAC?
A Patient Partnership Advisory Council (PAC) is a group of experts and patients committed to give advice to the involved scientists and deliver a patient-centric approach ensuring that patients are represented from the beginning of the project.
Who are the BE-SAFE PAC members and what are their roles?
Patient Partnership Advisory Council (PAC) set up within the BE-SAFE project aims to ensure true and equitable representation of the voice of patients and caregivers within the BE-SAFE project in order to collect their views, preferences, needs and expectations of older people with insomnia that are using sleeping pills and improve their safety and care.
The PAC is a bridge between patients, caregivers, seniors, consumers and patients’ organizations, the BE-SAFE consortium the Advisory Board and the general public.
The PAC establishes its own Rules of Procedures and Terms of Reference.
Members of each of the 6 local PACs were recruited using different strategies by countries. From each local PAC it was elected one representative for the International PAC. It aims to ensure true and equitable representation of the voice of patients and caregivers within the BE-SAFE project in order to collect their views, preferences, needs and expectations of older people with insomnia that are using sleeping pills and improve their safety and care.
The PPAC is a bridge between patients, caregivers, seniors, consumers and patients’ organizations, the BE-SAFE consortium the Advisory Board and the general public. Members from umbrella organizations (e.g. Ligue des Usagers des Services de Santé, LUSS, ( ), Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People (FFO), Federació d'Associacions de Gent Gran de Catalunya, FATEC ( have also been invited to join the Patient Partnership Advisory Council to ensure a proper representation of seniors and patients.
PAC structure
A roadmap has been developed to describe the planned activities in which the PAC will be involved over the next 5 years:
[Download the BE-SAFE PAC roadmap]